Ice weapons must also make a DC 15 Fortitude save every time they strike metal armor. The price of items crafted of aranea silk is increased by +1,150 gp. While aszite cannot be properly worked into weapons, it can be added in the form of veinlike reinforcements to armor, where it absorbs and amplifies certain unique magical properties. An item made from living steel repairs damage to itself at a rate of 2 hit points per day, or 1 hit point per day if it has the broken condition. A suit of light horacalcum armor grants a +1 bonus on Initiative checks, medium horacalcum armor grants a +2 bonus on Initiative checks, and heavy horacalcum armor grants a +3 bonus on Initiative checks. The resulting material is transparent and the color of the caster’s choice (though is most often colorless), appearing much like clear volcanic glass. To function as an additional material component, the spellcaster must use a number of doses of djezet equal to the spell’s original level—additional djezet doses have no effect. Copper-plated armor or shields render the wearer more vulnerable to electricity attacks, however, either granting any attack against the wearer that deals electricity damage a +2 bonus to attack rolls or increases the DC to reduce the electricity damage by +1. This material is primarily mixed with iron and is found as a natural red-orange ore amidst veins of mosaic glass. Super rezistenta la pete, urme de deget si zgarieturi. Mawine weapons cannot damage these materials at all (and, by extension, cannot harm iron golems or similar creatures). Regardless of etymology, all accounts tend to agree that the Tatzelwyrm-like creature is defined by a serpentine body and a cat-like face, sometimes with venomous glands or poisonous breath. All of these effects function as major image (caster level 18th). Umbrite-forged items are immensely expensive. 599 2.0 Dreamstone ore is worth 50 gp per pound. A shield of dreamstone does not add a resistance bonus to saving throws or reduce spell failure but it adds a +2 deflection bonus from spells and spell-like abilities that require a ranged touch attack. HP/inch: 5; Hardness: 0; Cost: tunic +1,150 gp. This supple material offers as much protection as leather, but is more flexible and resistant to electricity. A suit of light geranite armor grants a +1 bonus on Initiative checks, medium geranite armor grants a +2 bonus on Initiative checks, and heavy geranite armor grants a +3 bonus on Initiative checks. Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Power Components and Magic items: Power component affected magic items do not function like metamagic rods; they instead apply their benefit to a single spell effect the item can produce. This glowing, blue-green substance can be a source of great energy. Most armor made of singing steel is treated as one category lighter (heavy armors are treated as medium, and medium armors are treated as light, but light armors are still treated as light). This decrease does not apply to proficiency in wearing the armor. Masterwork bone armor also has the fragile quality, but magic bone armor does not. It has a violent effect against creatures vulnerable to cold iron. This does not increase the amount of the bleed effect. Miners have considered it a nuisance material for decades, since until recently it was impossible to forge umbrite into any useful product. This long silk is spun by the aranea. A saddle crafted of or lined with shark skin would grant a rider a +2 circumstance bonus to Ride checks made to remain in the saddle. If the wielder can normally start a bardic performance as a standard action, he can do so as a move action instead. That edge is treated as a solid wall for attacks targeting you only. ; Cost/Weight (Longer Wording) “Obsidian weapons cost half of what base items of their type do, and weigh 75% of what base items of their type do.”. Adamantine Shield Spikes on a Mithril Shield. Weapons fashioned from adamantine have a natural ability to bypass hardness when sundering weapons or attacking objects, ignoring hardness less than 20. Items constructed purely of gold cost 10 times the normal cost for items of their type. If so, how much? This metal’s structure allows it to pass through iron and steel without touching them, seemingly shifting in and out of phase with reality. HP/inch as steel; Hardness as steel; Cost n/a. Next up is the 1st Edition Pathfinder Kingmaker Bestiary, which collects stat blocks for many creatures and hazards that appear in the Kingmaker Adventure Path and the bonus adventures in the Companion Guide. There is at least one Dye Station for each zone. The skin provides extra grip, granting the wielder a +2 bonus to CMD against disarm attempts. HP/inch as normal cloth x2; Hardness 1; Cost see table. Failing the save results in the ice weapon shattering. The underdark races have begun vying to learn this secret and, more importantly, to gain control of umbrite mines of their own. While in an area of bright light, a shield or suit of armor made of sunsilver shines brightly, allowing the wearer to reflect light at nearby foes as a move action. the questions marks, found it, it s so easy to miss as it hasn t any note that there might the quest be it's near the Skunk river in north narlmarches, a few inches away from it's source "Lost dwarven Fortress". When using the "PATHFINDER COMMUNITY" character sheet in a campaign, you gain access to the Roll Templates associated with it. The wearer always benefits from a 10% miss chance while in an area of dim light or darkness, even if she is perceived by a creature using darkvision. Celestial mithral is a form of mithral blessed by the divine power of the dwarven gods. An arrow could be made of cold iron, but a quarterstaff could not. and causes it to lose its elasticity. You can loot Ovinrbaane, Enemy of All Enemie, Adamantine Breastplate +4, Belt of Physical Might +4, Amulet of Natural Armor +3, Ring of Protection +4 and Cloak of Resistance +4 from him. A weapon, such as a warhammer, made of geranite gains a +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls (ammunition can be made of geranite, but does not grant any bonus on attack rolls). Linite is associated with evocation magic, artifice, and order. The secret of greenwood lies in its harvesting. Dreamstone has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 10. An indestructible shield is a high-grade adamantine shield (Hardness 13, HP 90) that can withstand just about any damage. For characters above 1st level, see Table: Character Wealth by Level. Ice shields and weapons are perfect examples of items for which the GM needs to use their discretion. Voidglass has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 10. Its appearance and location may be linked with the little-known fact that it only appears near large concentrations of the strange radiations that are said to power many of the enchantments of the drow. The goal of this book isn’t to provide a full conversion to 1st Edition rules, of course, but to give 1st Edition GMs a vast resource to make their jobs easier. 8 okt, 2018 @ 22:33 Harrim quest: "The Unmaking" - Where is the Adamantine Shield Fortress? A set of bulette plate is functionally similar to metal full plate, but is prized by wealthy collectors and military commanders the world over, and tends to sell for up to 10 times more than a normal set. The majority of blight quartz deposits are no larger than the size of a human fist. Angelskin radiates a moderate good aura that masks malign auras. Bone weapons have half the hardness of their base weapons and have the fragile weapon quality. This makes the metal relatively useless for crafting objects, but most who seek out this substance intend to use it instead as an additional component for spellcasting, as it possesses an ability to enhance magic. 586 2.0 Shields made of precious materials are more expensive and have different durabilities. Armor and shields cannot be made of blood crystal, as they would feed on the wearer’s own wounds. Wish it said so in the quest description. A heavy adamantine shield with a "resistant" enchantement will probably have a lot of hit points, and maybe it's own RD adamantine when you block attacks. Hot linite can eventually ignite objects, and cold linite in water quickly surrounds itself with a 1-foot-thick shell of ice. #3. Cost +2 bonus; Feats Craft Magic Arms and Armor; Spells mage armor, major creation In each case, enough hide is available to produce a light or heavy masterwork shield in addition to the armor, provided that the dragon is Large or larger. In addition, serpentstone can be set to radiate heat or cold, or produce illusory smoke, roiling forth thin streams of scented, incense-like fumes designed to delight, enlighten, or otherwise inform serpentfolk in the vicinity. Failure to save results in the ice shield shattering into worthless shards. Only slashing and piercing weapons may be crystalline. Inubrix weapons cannot damage these materials at all (and, by extension, cannot harm iron golems or similar creatures). This ritual involves both costly materials (such as special incense to burn during the entirety of the process) and a skilled craftsman, hence the high price for such a weapon. These armor sets are more often than not imbued with the delving armor quality, and veteran dwarf bulette hunters are rarely seen without their +1 delving bulette full plate while on the hunt. To determine the price of a stainless steel item, use the original weight but add 10 gp per pound to the price of that item. Hafted two-handed weapons such as spears can be crafted with bone tips, as can arrowheads. Armor crafted from spiresteel protects the wearer’s essence, applying half of its armor bonus to AC against attacks made by incorporeal creatures. A creature can convert life points from only one wyroot weapon per day. Instead of channeling heat away from the wearer, it channels heat toward the wearer. READ PAPER. When you get to the point of a +4 enchantment bonus' it's equivalent to Silver/ColdIron/Adamantine for bypassing DR. level 1 Oct 14, 2018 @ 9:02pm does damage reduction stack? Failing the save does either 1 point of Con or Wis damage, a 50% chance of each. Each dose of uliun requires a DC 12 Fort save, adding +1 to the save DC for multiple doses. If the dragonhide comes from a dragon that had immunity to an energy type, the armor is also immune to that energy type, although this does not confer any protection to the wearer. Cryptstone is a dense gray stone scavenged from mausoleums that often appears ancient and pitted. Duergar apparently possess a process that allows the forging of umbrite. I can find it.. have a feeling I'll fail it due to time passed before it shows up. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS. The armor check penalty of a darkwood shield is lessened by 2 compared to an ordinary shield of its type. It negates magic missile attacks directed at you. Tatzelwurm is the Bavarian form, and presumably the inspiration for the depiction in Pathfinder. The shield has stylized animal claws encircling its outer rim. Asbestos cloth will not catch on fire and armor constructed from asbestos cloth provides resistance to fire and heat. As long as an individual is wielding a weapon made of blood-iron (merely carrying one is not enough), they gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Intimidate checks; multiple wielded weapons grant multiple instances of this bonus. | Fudge SRD The tales of the elder druids tell of its creation by the “creator-beings” when their blood mingled with portals into the plane of dreams and filtered down to iron ore deposits in the deep places of the earth. If used on the handle of a weapon, disarm combat maneuvers made against such items suffer a -2 circumstance penalty. The wearer of aszite-veined armor gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Stealth checks when affected by a spell with the darkness descriptor. This material has the strength and durability of steel while being as transparent as glass. Only wooden weapons or weapons with wooden hafts (such as axes and spears) can be made out of whipwood. This shining silver metal is either incredibly hot or freezing cold when found. The weight of the item is as normal for an item of that type. The navy-blue ore known as aszite is often used to reinforce buildings. Tehnologie de deschidere patentata (US Patent D830,352 S) Practica, poate tine maxim 2 carduri. Black seaweed is often used as a rope substitute by aquatic races, especially in construction of nets, due to its strength and resistance to seawater. When properly worked and treated through eldritch means known only to ancient serpentfolk wizards and sorcerers, serpentstone can be programmed to emit sound and light in a variety of ways, shifting at predetermined times from color to color and tone to tone, from brightness equal to that of daylight to a dim, shadowy glimmer like that of a candle. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews. There's nothing to stack with armour. Geranite is associated with illusion magic, humility, and valor. Post new thread Create wiki page Community supporters All threads Latest threads Hot threads New posts. Willkommen im Webshop von STOFF & STIL – hier finden Sie eine große Auswahl an Meterware, Schnittmustern, Wolle, Strickanleitungen, Zubehör und Hobby Artikeln für Ihre kreativen DIY Projekte. If the stone is not destroyed, it cannot be tapped for power points again until 24 hours has passed. A negative level imparted by a blight quartz weapon or ammunition lasts for 1 minute before fading and never results in permanent level loss. Armor made from adamantine grants its wearer damage reduction of 1/- if it’s light armor, 2/- if it’s medium armor, and 3/- if it’s heavy armor. Items not primarily of metal are not meaningfully affected by being partially made of this special material. Umbrite seemingly absorbs light at a slow rate, causing shadows around it to deepen considerably. The adamant special ability can be placed on only heavy armor. Vanara woodworkers craft this extremely flexible material in a time-consuming process. A pound of Abysium is enough to make 1 dose of abysium powder. – Squeaking and swaying, a golem came lumbering in! Stone Age weapons almost always utilize stone in some way. The softness and the weight of the metal decrease the armor/shield bonus by 2, and increase the armor check penalty by 2. Spiresteel has the same hit points and hardness as steel. The black-and-violet ore known as druchite is so dark that even creatures that are adapted to see in lightless conditions can have extreme difficulty perceiving it. Whenever the wielder of a metal weapon rolls a natural 1 on an attack roll against a creature wearing living steel armor or wielding a living steel shield, the item must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or gain the broken condition. Where is it? Adamantine is extremely strong and favored by weapon and armor smiths alike for its ability to cut through solid barriers with ease and endure heavy blows. Any evil aura radiated by the wearer is reduced in strength by 10 Hit Dice. On a roll of a 6, the owner gains another 1d6 point points. High-Grade Adamantine Shield: Level 16, 8,800 gp, Hardness 13, HP 52, and BT 26. Though it has hardness 15 and 30 hit points per inch of thickness, glaucite is half again as heavy as iron and difficult to work with. The rules shown are for the rare item constructed entirely of gold rather than being gold-plated. Objects wholly constructed from or objects completely coated in vulcanized rubber are immune to electricity damage. Bronze armor has a hardness of 9. This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Viridium weapons have half the hardness of their base weapon and have the fragile quality. When worked like steel, it becomes a wonderful material from which to create armor, and is occasionally used for other items as well. True crystalline weaponry is rare in the extreme. It sells for 50 gp, but has the same statistics as studded leather. Other learned folk have speculated that umbrite might be seepage from the plane of shadow. Called 'Lost Dwarven Fortress, one of the weapon that contact enemies of cold iron abysium.! Blow from a metal weapon, or unconscious light armor costs +4,000,. As fire-forged steel grants the wearer additional defenses against creatures of the force. Grip, granting the wielder and does not extend to others noqual is light—half as as! Wielder can normally start a bardic performance as a move action instead which to armor. Excellent substitute for leather of diamond has theorized that umbrite might be seepage from the wearer reduced... The prices given below except its effects apply to cold iron light armor costs +4,000 gp medium... 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