He would go on to fight alongside the rest of our heroes until the series finale. In Angel season 1, episode 18, “Five by Five”, it’s revealed that Faith went to L.A., where Wolfram & Hart enlisted her to kill Angel. Over the course of Buffy, Spike falls in love with the Slayer, reacquires his soul to prove himself to Buffy and dies a hero in the show's series finale. [28] The relationship is frequently violent, with Buffy most often initiating both the violence and the sex between them; the violence is made all the easier when Spike finds that (as a side effect of Willow's resurrection spell) his chip now does not stop him from harming Buffy. Although Willow explained the Scoobies were busy working on encrypted files as well (assumedly Adam’s), this doesn’t actually make sense in terms of both shows’ timelines. Among his favorite targets are Angel, Xander, Giles, and (to a lesser extent) Buffy – in season 5's episode The Gift as he and Giles are leaving to fight Glory, he wryly paraphrases Giles' quotation of Shakespeare's Henry V 'we band of brothers' speech to 'we band of buggered'. Spike goes to Los Angeles, and hires a vampire named Marcus to torture Angel in order to get the ring, but Marcus takes the ring himself and Angel finally destroys it. Angel. She takes far too many pictures of both her dog and her horse, and prefers spending time with them to hanging out with actual human beings. Angel: After the Fall. Monica's Powers Explained: Could She Beat Scarlet Witch? The networks did loosen their restrictions for Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s final season, but the timeline between the two shows by that point was definitely a bit off. He was noted for killing two vampire Slayers; one in China at the end of the 1800s during the Boxer Rebellion, the other was Nicki Wood in 1977 New York, where Spike acquired his trademark leather duster. [31], In season 7, a re-ensouled Spike must cope with the guilt of his past actions and try to win back Buffy's trust. Even Angel, in the episodes when he loses his soul, doesn’t just turn mean. A “rogue demon hunter” was working the same case as Angel Investigations, and it happened to be Faith’s former watcher, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce. This ability allows him to wield powerful psychological weapons as easily and effectively as physical ones. However, this crossover really began with the following installment, “Who Are You?” Thanks to a posthumous helping hand from Mayor Wilkins, Faith was able to switch bodies with Buffy. [35] When Nikki Wood's son Robin tries to kill Spike, he unwittingly frees Spike from his hypnotic trigger: the song "Early One Morning", a favorite of his mother, which evokes Spike's traumatic memories of his mother's abusive behavior toward him after she turned; after Spike is able to address these issues, he realizes his mother had always loved him, knowledge which frees him from the First's control. Illyria criticizes his (and others') ability to adapt, calling it "compromise. But his mother, as a vampire, taunted William and insinuated he had always had a sexual fascination with her. The souless Angelus terrorized Buffy and the Scooby Gang, plotting domination with then-baddie Spike (James Marsters) and Spike’s lady vamp Drusilla (Juliet Landau). In season 5, after some erotic dreams, Spike becomes aware to his horror that he has fallen in love with Buffy. "But [Angel and Buffy is] the grandest love story I will ever tell. Spike recounted his history to Buffy, who was shaken after nearly being killed by an ordinary vampire. Grave. Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Best Spike Episodes. This episode also features a hilarious phone call between Cordy and Willow. Spike returned to Sunnydale in season 4, episode 3, “The Harsh Light of Day”. Many of these novels and comic books concern Spike's backstory in the periods between the events shown in flashbacks in the television series. [36] It is unclear whether they resume their sexual intimacy during the third night; creator Joss Whedon says on the DVD commentary for "Chosen" that he intentionally left it to the viewers to decide how they felt the relationship progressed, though Whedon had earlier stated on the commentary he personally felt having them resume a sexual relationship would send the wrong message. A series of flashbacks show the history of Angel and Spike and their relationship with Drusilla. He set his sights on taking down Darla and Dru, and by episode’s end had literally set them on fire. In the follow-up series Season Nine (2011–2013), Spike bases his ship in San Francisco to be near Buffy, but eventually leaves due to the complicatedness of their relationship, setting up the miniseries Spike: A Dark Place (2012), which follows Spike and his insectoid crew aboard his spaceship. I'm going to destroy the world. Due to his own research into the prophecies concerning this apocalypse, Spike is able to lead Buffy and friends to the site of the final showdown with Twilight. "I was just a guest star, and I had no reason to go up to the writers' offices. What freaking bizarro world did I wake up in?"[42]. For example, he is able to briefly overcome Illyria during a testing of her abilities prior to her powers being greatly reduced by Wesley. Alongside Drusilla, Darla (Julie Benz) and Angelus (David Boreanaz), Giles thinks William acquired the nickname Spike for his preferred method of torturing people with railroad spikes, but it is revealed it is because his poetry was "so bad you could stick a railroad spike through your head." [6] In "Time Bomb", he identifies Illyria's fighting style as a Tae Kwon Do/Brazilian Capoeira / Ninjitsu hybrid. Other Buffyverse vampires to appear on the list included Drusilla (at 10th place), Darla (at 25th place), Vampire Willow (at 32nd place), Harmony Kendall (at 31st place), and the Master (at 39th place). You." Spike followed Oz straight to Angel in season 1, episode 3, “In the Dark”. Angel. Joss Whedon credits this antipathy as what convinced him in the episode "Lovers Walk" to bring Spike back as a cast regular. 8 Spike: Something Blue (Season 4, Episode 9) Something Blue is primarily a Willow episode, as the heartbroken witch-in-training casts a spell that causes everything she says to essentially come true. When Buffy's decision sees the world lose its magic, Spike is the only one to be emphatically supportive of the decision she had to make. [17] He is in Sunnydale to look for the Gem of Amarra, a ring which makes a vampire effectively invulnerable. Becoming Parts One & Two. Andrew showed up at Buffy’s behest in order to get her the help she needed, but it made for a very awkward exchange with Team Angel, who was apparently no longer trusted by the slayer. Cordelia called Willow for help hacking some files. When he was introduced in "School Hard" (season 2), Giles read that he was "barely 200," implying that he was either born or sired in 1797 or slightly earlier. Whedon appreciated Lynch's writing of Spike in Asylum so much that he commissioned him to co-write the canonical continuation of the series, Angel: After the Fall, in 2007. As a human, William's core personality traits were passion and loyalty, though both were heavily sublimated by the conventions of Victorian England. Like many characters in the series, Spike has battled depression at times; however, this was less a tendency towards self-pity or a psychological character trait than a reaction to new limitations. Spike's classical romanticism also manifests in his frequent references to poetry, songs, and literature; on occasion he even waxes poetic on the nature of love, life, and unlife as being driven by blood, reasoning that blood is more powerful than any supernatural force because it is what separates the living from the dead.[14][26]. Buffy managed to escape the Council and reverse the body swap, but Faith escaped. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. After being staked by Angel in season 1 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Darla had been resurrected by Wolfram & Hart in Angel's season 1 finale. In 1999, Spike won a TV Guide Award for "Scariest Villain". ), Spike and Drusilla are major enemies of Buffy for much of the second season. Spike reappears in the season 3 episode "Lovers Walk", in a drunken depression after Drusilla, offended by his alliance with Buffy, dumps him for a Chaos demon. This installment was the final nail in the coffin for fans still shipping Spike and Dru, as Spike chose Buffy’s life in the end, not that it made a difference to the slayer, who was understandably disgusted by the entire situation. Buffy threatens to kill Spike if he ever tells anyone about their relationship. RELATED: Angel: How Joss Whedon Knew David Boreanaz Was Right For Buffy's Spin-Off. I follow my blood. Angel could pull it off. Although, ironically, his personality remains pretty much the same, whether he has a soul or not – in stark (and more entertaining) contrast to Angel." The vampire with a soul was in a dark place by season 2, episode 11, "Redefinition". Upon becoming a vampire, his newfound romance with Drusilla, acceptance into a new peer group with Angel and Darla, mixed with the radical changes to his physiology (particularly physical strength), completely dissolved his fears in an experience he considered to be "profound." "I'm split right down the middle because in terms of a long-term relationship, Spike's kinda your guy," he believed. He also wore a red long-sleeved shirt fairly often, particularly during the earlier seasons of Buffy, and a bright blue shirt early in Season 6 & 7. Spike sacrificed himself in the process, but oddly, The WB had already chosen to announce that Marsters would be heading over to Angel for season 5, which somewhat lessened the impact. After being captured by the Initiative and implanted with a cerebral microchip which punishes him with debilitating pain whenever he harms or attempts to harm any non-demon life forms (he initially assumes it works the same with anything living), Spike turns to the Scooby Gang for protection, bartering his knowledge of the Initiative. Sired by the vampire Drusilla (Juliet Landau), William became an unusually passionate and romantic vampire, being very violent and ready to battle, but not as cruel as his companions. Oz, who had a gig in L.A., agreed to deliver it. In their new capacity, Spike and Illyria secretly rescue humans and benevolent demons, evacuating them into the care of Connor, Nina Ash, and Gwen Raiden. William chose to stake her because he found he could not bear to see his mother behaving like the soulless vampire he had made of her. Angel fans would recognize this as Amy Acker’s character calling the one living person who had re-ensouled Angelus previously. Let's take a look at all of them. [21] In season 4, Spike was introduced to fill the antagonistic role that Cordelia had in seasons 1 to 3; as Joss Whedon explains on the DVD featurette, "All of our characters got to the point where they were loving and hugging, and it was sort of like, where's Cordelia? William's s… Essential Episodes. This surname became official with the publication of the canon comic Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 #7, in which Buffy calls him by it. In the episode "The Girl in Question," Angel and Spike seek Buffy in Rome only to find Andrew there. After a vicious battle in "Release" that left the slayer in a drug-induced coma, Angelus was put back in his cage. Flashbacks in "Fool for Love" (season 5) show that Spike was sired as an adult in 1880. Spike is also seen speaking/understanding Latin, Luganda (a language of Uganda, where he meets the demon shaman), and the language of Fyarl demons, two of whom he once employed as muscle during his pre-Sunnydale days. While some of these were more minor developments, others served as major storylines. [32] Buffy guards and cares for Spike throughout his recovery, telling Spike she believes in him,[33] a statement which later sustains him throughout his imprisonment and torture at the hands of the First. I don't exactly have a reputation for being a thinker. James graduated from Davis High School and attended Juilliard, the Pacific Conservatory of the Performing Arts, and the American Conservatory Theatre. This is seen in his reactions to reliving the memory of the event while discussing his subsequent mood with Clem, who has come by with hot wings to hang out. I didn't go to the gods at that point," says Marsters. This served as the last major crossover event until Buffy's final season. After the events of "The Harsh Light of Day", Oz visits Los Angeles in the Angel episode "In the Dark" to give Angel the Gem of Amara (a ring that makes vampires unkillable), and Spike (James Marsters) follows him. At episode’s end, Doyle had a vision of Buffy fighting for her life. Aside from the fact that certain Buffy characters became far more developed on Angel, there are several plot points that carried over from one show to the other. Spike is a vampire and played various roles on the shows, including villain, anti-hero, trickster and romantic interest. Buffy received a phone call in the season 4 premiere. Thanks to yet another disappointment from Spike in “Crush”, Harmony headed to L.A. in season 2, episode 17, “Disharmony” to catch up with her old pal Cordelia, who still had no idea she was a vampire. Upon discovering what he has done, he begs Buffy to stake him, but she refuses and takes him into her house, telling him she has seen him change. As a soulless vampire, his core personality remained intact but less inhibited, exhibiting the capacity for passion and deep affection, loyalty, and aesthetic appreciation. Spike. [51] IDW had planned to launch the series as a bona fide ongoing series, and as such it establishes a support cast for Spike suited to his position headlining the title. In a gut-wrenching twist, while Buffy would forget, Angel alone would remember the brief time they spent together to ensure he wouldn’t repeat the day’s events. This page was last edited on 15 January 2021, at 15:45. In that time, 144 episodes of the series were made. Spike appears unconcerned he missed the chance to talk to Buffy who, along with Willow and Xander, has gone to find magic to save Dawn at the Deeper Well in England. Spike's "vampire constitution" provides him with an extremely high tolerance for alcohol (which he regularly consumes in copious quantities). He has also been shown using video game systems and a computer, treating injuries, and playing poker and pool. However, this episode effectively severed ties between the characters for a while, and Gellar would never again have a proper appearance on Angel. At a 2006 convention, Acker stated the film was not going ahead due to money issues.[64][65]. [44] Much like Angel, he is highly proficient in various forms of martial arts, and his typical fighting style blends karate, kung fu, and others. Spike's story before he appears in Sunnydale unfolds in flashbacks scattered, out of sequence, among numerous episodes of both Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. Spike captures Angel and hires a vampire named Marcus to torture Angel until he tells him where the ring is. The short story "Voodoo Lounge" from the collection Tales of the Slayer is a sequel to this novel. During the second season of the series, Spike comes to Sunnydale hoping to kill a third Slayer, Buffy Summers (Sarah Michelle Gellar), with whom he later forges an uneasy alliance. Despite Faith’s unrelenting torture of Wesley, that was Angel’s aim in season 1, episode 19, “Sanctuary”. And dead a lot longer than that. Willow showed up in Angel’s season 2 finale to let Angel know that Buffy had died. 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However, once the shows began airing on different channels and separate nights, these events were few and far between. But then someone comes along with a vision, with a real passion for destruction. [25] In the days and hours leading up to the final showdown with Glory, Spike fights by Buffy's side, earning her trust and a re-invitation to her house. The sudden erosion of his societal and emotional barriers created dramatic shifts in his attitude and behaviors, allowing him to craft an entirely new persona that was enthusiastic to the point of recklessness, fearless in confrontation, and which reveled in having the power to flaunt laws and traditional morality. Beginning with Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 4, Angel aired immediately after its parent show on The WB for two years. The first flashback occurs in Buffy season 5's "Fool for Love", and reveals William as in fact a meek, effete young man of aristocratic background[5] (and an aspiring poet) who lived in London with his mother, Anne. The excitement of a brawl with the Mayor's vampires helps him see that Drusilla left him because he had begun to go soft; he resolves to win her back by torturing her until she likes him again, and tells Buffy where to find Willow and Xander. Spike then has Warren Mears make a robot in Buffy's likeness, programmed to love and obey him. [44] Upon learning that Buffy is now dating The Immortal, Spike and Angel travel to Rome on the pretext of business but spend most of the time there trying to find Buffy. Just as “Fool for Love” served as an origin story for Spike, “Darla” revealed the backstory of Angel’s sire. :Bouncer: [When asked if he has seen Spike] "Yeah, yeah, I know the guy. [10] At some point, Spike also became rivals with the famous vampire Dracula. They arrive shortly after Drusilla is seriously weakened by an angry mob in Prague, as recounted in the canon comic book The Problem with Vampires. The call is only shown from Cordy's perspective. He replies, "No, you don't; but thanks for saying it. The series debuted its first season on October 5, 1999 and ran for five years until its finale on May 19, 2004. Harmony was hired as Angel’s secretary at Wolfram & Hart, which Team Angel had taken over in the season 4 finale, in a rather brilliant paradigm shift for the series. Angelus regarded killing as an art, not a sport, and killed for the sheer act of evil; Spike did it for amusement and the rush.[6]. This not only caused Buffy to wind up in the clutches of angry operatives from the Watchers Council, but also enabled Faith to wreak major havoc on Buffy’s life. Spike had previously appeared in the season 1 episode of Angel "In the Dark", Spike goes to Los Angeles at the same time as Oz arrives to give Angel the Gem of Amarra, Spike's objective was to get the ring and kill Angel. While Buffy the Vampire Slayer lasted seven seasons and ended on its own terms, Angel was unceremoniously canceled before season 5 had even concluded. Whedon had enough time to rework things into a finale, although the ending itself isn't totally definitive. He kidnaps Willow and Xander, and forces Willow to conduct a love spell for him to make Drusilla love him again, even coercing Buffy and Angel to help him in exchange for the safe return of their friends. After Doyle’s heroic sacrifice in the preceding installment, Angel season 1, episode 10, “Parting Gifts”, reintroduced a familiar face from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. While “Surprise”/”Innocence” were game-changers for both "Buffy" and the Angel character, this is the height of Angelus’ villainry on the series and honestly probably the best episode … Spike often displays insight and skills in perception and observation, especially with regard to relationships and personalities, so long as the relationship in question does not concern him personally. In the final battle inside the Hellmouth, Spike, wearing a mystical amulet, sacrifices himself to destroy the Turok-Han and close the Hellmouth. [58] In terms of his defiant nature, he often treats his vulnerability to the sun as simply an annoying inconvenience. Spike was placed first in SFX magazine's "Top 50 Vampires" on television and movies list. As James Marsters put it, "I was supposed to be the one who stood at the side and said, 'Buffy, you're stupid, and we're all gonna die'. The Harsh Light of Day. [55] Highly creative and imaginative, William devoted considerable time to study, reflection, and literary arts, particularly romantic poetry. )[10] During the final episodes of Angel, Spike is the first to vote for Angel's plan to wound the Senior Partners by massacring the Circle of the Black Thorn. Spike was described as an "antihero in the true sense of the word, Spike is morally ambiguous and ready to fight pretty much anyone, for fun. [10] In 1900, Spike killed Xin Rong, a Chinese Slayer while in China during the Boxer Rebellion. Spike has a punk look which strongly resembles English rock musician Billy Idol; humorously, Buffy claims that Billy Idol in fact stole his look from Spike. Fool for Love. He is also capable of easily operating various vehicles, such as various cars, a Honda CB400T motorcycle ("Bargaining part 2"), and a Winnebago ("Spiral"). Directed by James A. Contner. [6] Anne would often sing the folksong "Early One Morning" to her son, right up until the time he was turned into a vampire. Spike is one of the youngest recurring vampires on the show, though the evidence of his age is contradictory, as the concept of the character evolved over time. He succeeded in his task, but things didn't work out as intended. Later, Spike's greatest internal conflict arose due to simultaneously wanting to kill the Slayer (Buffy) due to her authority and position as the "one thing" that vampires fear, until discovering that he was sexually and romantically attracted to Buffy as a person. Mutant Enemy approved the story, even though IDW did not have rights to a Buffy-only character like Halfrek, because of her importance to Spike's backstory, on the condition that the story's timing was deliberately ambiguous. [68], In 2017 Spike made into the list of "25 Villains We Love to Hate from the last 25 years" for the 25th anniversary of Syfy. Assuming he was in his early to mid 20s when he was sired, Spike would be in his 140s during the series. At some point post-1977, Billy Idol allegedly "stole" Spike's look and made it famous as his own (as revealed in season 7’s "Sleeper"; see "Appearance" below); Spike's thoughts on this are unrecorded. Taking precautions however, they then throw the ring away and just as Spike was about to retrieve it, Oz bursts through the wall in his van and rescues Angel. Spike's IDW series feeds into the "Twilight" and "Last Gleaming" arcs of Buffy Season Eight, concluding that series in 2011. Angel's first appearance is in " Welcome to the Hellmouth ", the first episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer in 1997. Later, after securing the return of his soul, his conscience returned without his old inhibitions, leaving his love of "a good brawl" unapologetically intact. The truth is, I like this world. Frequently, the power of Spike's passions override his physical limitations. [52] The transfer of Angel rights from IDW to Dark Horse necessitated that it end instead as an 8-issue miniseries.[53]. When vampire Gunn causes Illyria to revert to her monster form, memories of Fred from Spike and Wesley are transplanted into her to restore her humanity. Feigning weakness, he endured torturous weeks watching Angelus sexually pursue Dru as he waited for the right time to strike against his enemy. Recognizing that his affection for her gave her power over him caused him a great deal of self-doubt; seeing no other means to reconcile the dissonance, he chose instead to 'rebel' against his vampire nature itself, and eventually seek to be re-ensouled and purify his passions. [60] In Spike's first appearances the wound still looks fresh, but it gradually fades until, in Angel season 5, it is barely visible. Lynch's Spike series features some collaboration with Whedon to connect the IDW and Dark Horse series' continuities. When Angel and Spike arrive at the club, they are disheartened to see from afar who they think to be Buffy, dancing with their old enemy The Immortal . He then proceeded to fire his entire team, who would never accept what he'd done. He is also impatient to fight the Slayer upon his initial arrival in Sunnydale; the attack is supposed to coincide with the Night of St. Vigeous (when a vampire's natural abilities are enhanced), but he "couldn't wait" to go after the Slayer and recklessly leads a mass assault against Buffy at Sunnydale High, which fails and results in the deaths of many Aurelian vampires. He and Buffy's new boyfriend Riley got along about as well as expected, but the former couple did manage to sort things out between them before Angel headed back to L.A. As part of its After the Fall franchise, IDW also published Bill Williams' miniseries, Spike: The Devil You Know (2010), which follows Spike's journey from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, where he acquires a spaceship and a crew of alien bugs after learning from Wolfram & Hart of a prophecy concerning the impending apocalypse (featured in Buffy) which has driven them to abandon this dimension. Angel showed up in Sunnydale in season 4, episode 20, “The Yoko Factor”. When she refuses him, he grows desperate and unsuccessfully tries to rape her. Euphoric with his newfound vampiric abilities, he adopted the poses and trappings of a cultural rebel, affecting a working class East London accent and embracing impulsiveness and extreme violence. She gets drunk with Spike, and calls him "a neutered vampire who cheats at kitten poker." "Now, you listen to me. Season 5, episode 11, focused on one of the newly turned slayers named Dana. He drives in broad daylight in vehicles with blacked-out windows (often listening to Punk Rock while he does so), and on several occasions travels outside during the day using only a blanket for cover. Strutting around with your friends over a pint of blood. After a demon's spell makes them express their emotions in song, and Buffy sings "I want the fire back",[27] Buffy and Spike begin a physical relationship, consummated two episodes later. In that time, 110 episodes of the series aired. Since when had anything ever been private between those two characters? Related: Angel: The 15 Most Important Episodes Angel was surprisingly canceled during season 5, meaning that storylines planned to run for longer had to be wrapped-up much sooner, and so "Not Fade Away" had to bring the battle with the Senior Partners of Wolfram & Hart to a close. But in addition to Spike, this episode does also feature Oz, so there are more than a few laughs along the way (following an almost monosyllabic conversation between Angel … In 2004, Joss Whedon set plans for a Spike movie. [29] Believing he still has a chance with Buffy after seeing her reactions of jealousy and hurt when he has a drunk sexual encounter with Anya, Spike corners her and makes aggressive sexual advances. [4] The character appears substantially in Expanded Universe materials such as comic books and tie-in novels. Quick wit is one of the character's hallmarks, as Spike enjoys verbal sparring as much as physical fighting; in all his appearances, he has a habit of pithy remarks and glib insults, even toward the few he does not view as antagonists. Faith would be the only person who truly understood why the mission needed to be capture rather than kill. Seasons one to five of the series ran on the WB.In 2001, it moved to the United Paramount Network for its final two seasons.In the United Kingdom, the entire series aired on Sky One and BBC Two. Canonically, the character appears in issues of the comic books Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight (2007–11), Angel: After the Fall (2007–09), Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Nine, Angel & Faith (both 2011–2013) and several Spike limited series, spinning off from both Buffy and Angel. After Buffy is resurrected at the beginning of season 6, she is despondent and detached from her friends. A lot of wrong bloody calls. Angel did help the Scoobies save the day, and would’ve left with his ex none the wiser, had Xander not inadvertently let his appearance slip during Thanksgiving dinner. After some struggle, Willow saved Angel and then brought Faith back to Sunnydale to help the Scoobies fight The First.
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